Friday, January 24, 2025


“Mankind, with his assets but without understanding, is like the animals that perish.” Psalm 49:20
     Let’s look at my world right now in the United States and Ohio:
  1. Donald Trump is back in the White House. He proclaimed that the United States would experience an age of prosperity never seen before in America. Many people will likely dispute that claim. I watched the inauguration just like I did Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, enjoying all the ‘pomp and circumstance’. I don’t envy them, but I sometimes wonder what living in their world would be like.
  2. The Cleveland Cavaliers over halfway into this season have been the best basketball team in the NBA. They just keep winning—and winning—and winning. I watch their games like a hawk, following their every move and commentary about how they are doing it, and other teams who can’t figure out how to stop them.
  3. The Ohio State Buckeyes on Monday night won the National College Football Championship. They lost about a month ago to the dreaded team up north whose name won’t be mentioned—the fourth year in a row--and everyone thought all was lost. But OSU proved on Monday night by beating Notre Dame that they are the best team in the land. It was a story to be long remembered in the annals of college football.
     So this is my world. It seems like a dream—or dreams--come true. Everything seems to be coming together—and I admit that I do feel a sense of joy. What’s missing then? Why is my heart still aching?
     I think it's because I know this euphoria is only temporary. It’s like a drug fix. It makes me feel good for now—but in a few weeks or months, the euphoria will fade away. The memory I have of the good times will be just that—a memory. I then will look for something to fill the void—to give me a new sense of euphoria—then another—then another.
     You see—I know the end of the story. The Bible's clear about it. I did a video recently that included the words of the song “Imagine”. If only we could ‘imagine’ away problems. But they are here to stay. Sin is still sin according to Romans 3:23. People are going to continue to hurt and even kill others. There also will be many deceivers who come in the future, maybe even soon, that try to “deceive” others as is described in Matthew 24—to draw them down the wrong path—toward an eternity in hell.
     I think it’s great to bask in and be happy about the good things that are happening now. But, we also need to deal with reality. We are all going to suffer hardship at some point and die—unless the rapture occurs before then.
     At the inauguration, and with the sports teams that I love, there were and are many millionaires and even billionaires who are living extravagant lifestyles. I do realize, however, that many humble people have worked hard to be where they are—many likely even put into their positions by God. But the end for all of them is the same as the rest of us—the grave. They can’t take their millions and even billions with them.
     Psalm 49:20 which we read previously sums it up. I'll read it again: “Mankind, with his assets but without understanding, is like the animals that perish.”
     What then is the road to ‘understanding’? I could do a long dissertation here about what it is. But I don’t have to because there is one scripture that sums it up in a nutshell. Here it is in Micah 6:8:
“Mankind, he has told each of you what is good,
And what it is the Lord requires of you:
To act justly, to love faithfulness,
And to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
     In conclusion, how to have ‘understanding’ and ‘walk humbly’ with our God is revealed very definitively in the Bible. I encourage all of us—to check it out very soon—before it’s too late.

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