Wednesday, May 29, 2024


     Last time we discussed Pastors Bobby Duncan’s and James Jones's book “Floods Upon Dry Ground, Chapter 9, titled “Prescription for a Cure”. The authors detailed that pain in a person usually causes a person to go to a doctor to seek a cure—and that is exactly what’s needed in today’s sinful world to bring about floods upon dry ground. People need to fervently seek, and encourage others to fervently seek the Great Physician (God) to find the only cure for sin (Jesus).
     Duncan and Jones in Chapter 10, “Promise of Recovery”, wrote about the hope and the spirit-lifting effect we have when we exit a doctor's office with a medication prescription and directions to help heal our physical pain. In the same way, they wrote, “When the people of God are reminded He (God) answers their sincere and fervent prayers, they are immediately encouraged—”
    They wrote that the problem preventing floods on dry ground today is that we have stopped making Christ “the centerpiece” of our Christian religion, and we substituted man’s philosophy for Biblical truth. To get back on track, we need to ask ourselves the following two questions:
  1. “How can the church in America recover from its formalism (superficial worship and lifeless religious observances?”)
  2. “How can the church in America recuperate from its inclusiveness (different avenues to reach God other than through Jesus Christ?”)
     We need to consider the following two things before spiritual healing can occur:
  1. “Restoration is God’s work. When disaster befalls us, when creature comforts are gone, our only hope is in Him. We do not have the power to recover our spiritual health any more than we can heal a terminal illness.”
  2. “Truly walking in the Spirit is a lifestyle that has long since slipped away from America’s “Christian” movement, and consequently from the nation itself.” And “true spiritual revival, call it what you will—renewal, restoration, recovery, or awakening—can only come through the sovereign movement of the Holy Spirit. That is God’s part. We have no power to save ourselves, or to restore spiritual life once it has ebbed away. Our part is to turn to God with all of our hearts.”
     So what IS our part for God to enact his promise of recovery, and bring floods upon our dry ground? According to Duncan and Jones 2 Chronicles 7:14 has the answer:
“If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”


Thursday, May 16, 2024


  The alarm lights are flashing—the warning bells are sounding. They pierce our ears. We want them to stop—but there is no stopping them.
     God warned us of these days. We were sent on a mission and can’t stop until the mission is completed. The mission isn’t about us—it’s about Him and what he wants to do in our lives to bring about His purpose. The task I call “MISSION CRITICAL!”
     Do you see them on the streets—in our workplaces—in stores—even in our own homes? Lost souls are going about life without anyone telling them the truth.
       What is that critical truth that God wants desperately for us to tell them—to tell lost souls? It’s there for everyone to see—but no one will see it unless we tell them!
      “Mission Critical!” is found in John 14:6. It’s to tell everyone we meet what Jesus said about Himself:
“I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.”
     In other words, everyone is going to one of two places when they die. 
  1. Hell to be with Satan. OR
  2. Heaven to be with God and His Son Jesus.
     In these last days each of us who know Christ are—or should be—engaged in MISSION CRITICAL!

Sunday, May 5, 2024



     I’m very behind in posts to share the important information written by Pastors Bobby Duncan and James Jones on how to bring about “Floods Upon Dry Ground”. I got a new video editing program that I’m excited about. So I'm hoping that will motivate me to post more steadily.
     In Chapter 8 Duncan and Jones wrote that no one likes corrective judgment, but it is sometimes the very thing that turns people back toward God.
     Chapter 9 is titled “Prescription for a Cure” which details that pain in a person usually causes the person to go to a doctor to seek a cure—and that is exactly what’s needed in today’s sinful world. People need to seek The Great Physician (God) to find the only cure for sin (Jesus).
     They told the story of the people of Israel in Joel 1 and 2, and the suffering they endured by a plague of locusts sent by God as punishment for their many sins. But that wasn’t the end of the story. Joel stated in chapter 2, verse 13:
“Tear your hearts, not just your clothes, and return to the Lord your God.
For he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in faithful love, and he relents from sending disaster.”
     So just as the Israelites repented and sought God for a remedy to cure the plague of locusts, Duncan and Jones wrote:
“Right now the church needs spiritual healing—the sovereign movement of the Holy Spirit that will reestablish His people as a force to be reckoned with.”
     If we as Christians really want revival, if we want Floods Upon Dry Ground, Duncan and Jones wrote:
“If we truly long for personal and corporate revival, we will forgo our own agendas and accept his prescription for healing, with the assurance that the balm He offers is more than enough for all the ills we suffer.”