Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Checking the Daily Numbers

Dear Readers,

The title of my video blog today is “Checking the Daily Numbers”. It’s about a habit that you and I might have, and about gaining a wonderful habit of checking daily numbers that really count. I pray you find it meaningful.

See you next time,



dandelionfleur said...

Arlen, you have the most soothing voice! I am not a numbers checker because me and math are virtual strangers--but I get the message--and it's a good one.

Soulwinnersr.us said...

Thanks a lot Lisa. I saw that verse and it clicked with me. I'm not sure if God gives me the insight, but I hope and pray so. The numbers of people being saved is by far the most important number of all, as it fills His command to "make disciples of all nations". I in the worst way want to experience what they experienced in the early church.